When there is no Request for Proposal (RFP) or written scope of work prepared or developed, we offer the following options for clients to choose from.

1. Professional Opinion

This is a good first step in figuring out the cause of your drainage complications and how you should consider moving forward to resolve your issue. Does not guarantee we can help you resolve your drainage problem as there may be other factors at play such as structural or geotechnical issues. 


  • Up to ½-hour desktop research reviewing client provided information and available online information (e.g., Google Earth, Aerial Imagery, County GIS Online Map Guides, etc.).
  • Up to 1-hour total travel time to and from the site. Additional fees may apply for additional travel time.
  • Up to 2-hour site visit and visual field recon, with the owner or representative of the HOA present. We will provide our professional engineering opinion on the proper course of action in a verbal discussion with the owner. Engineer will not provide any written deliverables or make any calls or inquiries on behalf of the client. Engineer will not prepare any deliverable (i.e., letters, reports, emails, or any other written/ongoing communication or plans).

2. Full Evaluation and Proposal

Good for when you are committed to resolving the issue and are ready to engage an engineer to help you fix the problem. This is the first phase and integral to any drainage project. 


  • Up to 1-hour desktop research reviewing client provided information and available online information (e.g., Google Earth, Aerial Imagery, County GIS Online Map Guides, etc.).
  • Up to 1-hour total travel time to/from site. Additional fees may apply for additional travel time.
  • Up to 2-hour site visit and visual field recon, with the owner or representative of the HOA present.
  • Contacting the appropriate regulatory agencies to determine the proper engineering services and permitting requirements for the project.
  • Preparing a detailed engineering scope and fee proposal outlining the steps and necessary engineering services needed to complete the project.

3. Master Service Agreement 

Full contract, we will perform work on an as needed basis at our standard time and material rates. Good for when you need an engineer on-call to perform work as needed. Estimated fees to perform the work for each task will be provided prior to performing the work.


  • Full Evaluation and Proposal (see above).
  • Cost of services and schedule agreed upon prior to starting the work.
  • Deliverables may include: Construction Drawings and Specifications, Permitting Assistance, Construction Management, etc.

If you are interested in working with us, please complete the intake form at the link below.