Rosemont Project Watershed Model
Location: Pima County, AZ
(Project “stats” off to the side):
–11.6 square mile watershed
–12 miles of streambeds analyzed
-19 Rain/Streamflow monitoring sites
Project Overview:
The Rosemont Project Watershed Model (RPWM) is a HEC-HMS based watershed model that was created for the Rosemont Copper project in Pima County to comply with requirements set forth by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. The HEC-HMS model uses data from a dense network of site–specific rain gages and stream gages located throughout the site. The RPWM will be used to estimate potential impacts that the project may have on downstream runoff. Riley is tasked with the calibration and implementation of the RPWM, using site-specific rain and stream gage data to estimate potential impacts and mitigation efforts that the proposed mine development may have on downstream flows.